Terms and Conditions


  1. General Information
  2. Usage and Services of Tellomind

  1. General Information
    1. The following Terms and Conditions apply to the usage of software that the owner and operator of this website provides over the medium Internet. The software is accessible over the domain tellomind.com and all its subdomains.
    2. Operator behind the online services provided on tellomind.com is Erik Kückelheim, Pforrgasse 7, 79206 Breisach, Germany, E-Mail: kueckelheim.erik@gmail.com, Phone: +49 (0)1525896 2327.
    3. Following § 5 and § 6 TMG (Telemediengesetz) mandatory information are in the Impressum at: tellomind.com/impressum
    4. The language for the conclusion of contract is english

  2. Usage and services provided on tellomind.com
    1. Tellomind is a service that provides a digital platform for online brainstorming sessions. During a brainstorming session, participants of a session can formulate a title and a description about a certain topic, write down ideas, and exchange their ideas during a series of given steps. During this process, they can up- or downvote formulated ideas.
    2. Users have the possibility to start a new brainstorming session. When doing that, a unique session url is being generated which grants access to this particular session and its contents. Users agree that, by sharing this url, other users can join the session and get access to its contents, for example to ideas generated by other users.
    3. Users further agree that other participants of a particular session may further distribute the session-url to other individuals and, thereby, extent the access to a session's contents to a larger audience.
    4. The owner and operator of this website takes no responsibility for the contents of a session that are provided by its users.
    5. The participants of a session are obliged to ensure that the contents they share with other participants do not violate any applicable laws.
    6. The participants of a session agree to not use the provided services on tellomind.com in a manner that may expose the owner and operator of this website to civil or criminal liability, or regulatory enforcement.
    7. The service provided by this website is free to use. This might change in the future (see IV). However, users will not be charged for services before they were not clearly instructed about the pricing system and have accepted the pricing system applicable to the services they intend to use.
    8. Users agree and acknowledge that the services on tellomind.com are provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. The owner and operator of this website may reserves the right to, at any time or for any reason, suspend usage.
    9. Users acknowledge that they have read the privacy policy that can be found on this website and which applies to their use of the services provided by this website